Introducing Elites Estate - A new Estate with all modern amenities.

Elites Estate is a pleasure garden designed for special people with maximum modern and technical security measures. Enjoy unlimitedly in our Estate Garden.

Discover A Best of Deals

Only with us you can enjoy best of deal on Real Estate property, we will guide you right and increase your interest in Real Estate Property Business.

Maximum Security

We are so much concerned with setting up a modern and technical security measures of the estate to protect both people and property. We are not relying on individual building/apartment security system because we understand that more often, the need on integrated solution to save guard the community (estate). The security of this estate is planned and tailoring to the concrete needs because residential estate of like this "ELITES ESTATE" get a max of visitor daily and also a multi-floor building layouts have vertical and horizontal frequency.

Security officer

Availability of Water Supply

There is availability of pipe borne water which averts the stress and cost of getting water for constructions. In our plans to make this estate a real “ELITE” one among other neighbor estates, we provide a safe, sufficient, continuous, acceptable, physical and accessible, pipe borne water for personal and domestic use.


The story of electrification in Nigeria has been a SORRY one, but the story will be change in this Estate, we have negotiated a way of providing adequate supplying of power in the estate, there is a ready 300KVA transformer for the estate and proper monitoring of power wires connection was implemented to avert problem of loose or corroded connections which can cause voltage fluctuations.

Image representation of recreational hub

Recreational Hub

There is also availability of recreational hub in the estate

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